Foundation Course
Learn more about SGS, our course for beginners (Danish language)
(Our foundation course is primarily taught in Danish. One have to be able to talk and understand Danish to participate)
The Foundation Course in Acting focuses on the 3 most important films and theater tools: Drama, voice, body/movement.
We offer a creative journey focused on your personal growth. It is an opportunity for those who do not have a lot of experience, but would learn more about what it means to be an actor. You will get hands on experience to judge whether or not the acting profession is for you. Learn to work with yourself, your body, explore, ask questions, stand up and cultivate your creative being. This is a crash course in what it is like to work as an actor. What does it require and do you have IT?
The goal is to become co-creative in the things you will try out during the course. It is very much an individual process with the space to explore on your own and together with other curious and adventurous fellow students, who also dare to let go and go beyond their own comfort zone. This is a safe space where everyone can open up and come with their own personal story. This is about you and the time you need to grow. Therefore, it is very important that you have the courage to put yourself out there and be curious about both the practical and technical work. Working as an actor can sometimes be lonely, hard, exhausting, terribly egocentric, filled with defeat. Why do we do it then? Because it is also filled with passion, a bubbling joy, trust, challenges, an inner necessity and occasional success. Be aware that there will be homework and memorization of texts that will need to be prepared in a short amount of time. The course ends with a public viewing on the school stage, where it is possible to invite friends and family.

SGS is led by Marc Harpsøe. Marc organizes the school course and teaches some of the subjects himself.
“Marc is an actor, director and the school’s Meisner Technique specialist.”
In Drama, we work with basic Stanislavsky techniques, text analysis, rehearsals on the floor, presentation techniques, dialogue and monologue work. There will also be weeks focusing on the more physical and performative expression.
In Movement it is about connecting mind and body. Dance for actors, so that you become aware of all your physical tools.
In Voice, there is a focus on speech, song, diction and general voice training with the Nadine George Technique as the basic foundation.
You will be taught from a team of industry professionals from the KFTS and outside guest teachers.
The permanent staff consists of:
Malene Beltoft Olsen: headmaster and primary teacher of drama.
Isabel Escudero Zorde/Bo Madvig: Body & Movement.
Ann-Sofie Lervik Michelsen: Voice training.
We also offer an introduction to personal coaching, which is a unique part of KFTS.
Along the way, you will also get a brief introduction to the film work, led by a director from the Danish film industry.
In addition, we regularly offer open rehearsals and performances at KFTS.
Prices and Practical
The course starts in September and ends in February with a final performance.
The course days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays with teaching in the daytime from kl. 9.30 – 14.30.
All teaching takes place at KFTS and Mie Moltke’s Soulhouse. Both located at Hørsholmsgade 20, 2200 Copenhagen N.
Number of participants: 8-12
You must pass an entrance exam.
We have no requirements for experience or education, but you must be mentally and physically healthy and ready to work and be able to receive feedback in a constructive way. All forms of medication and disorders must be reported to the school in connection with the entrance examination.
This course is subject to changes in its composition.
Registration for entrance exam
To participate in the entrance exam, you must fill out our application form and then you will receive additional information by email. We recommend that you pay the exam fee for the entrance exam immediately.
The exam fee is 4o Eur.
REG: 8411 ACCOUNT NO: 4156468.
The entire course costs 4510 Eur., of which 470 Eur. is paid upon registration. The rest is paid on the 5th of August. Payment is also offered in installments. These are selected on the contract. However, installment payment costs a bit more. Please note that the education is not eligible for government support “SU”.
For further info or questions: